You know why you’re here.

You know you’re ready.

You know the time is now.

“Love is understood historically in every language. Infidelity leaves bitterness in the heart and a broken soul with sleepless nights”.

-Sophia Tuckett


All services are dedicated to helping women heal from Infidelity or low self-esteem by using

the “AIM” framework which is designed to help clients thrive with lasting change.




Introductory Journey

For those that want to explore coaching and see if Sophia is a great fit. Or, for those that need a quick boost of confidence and have limited time.


Love What You See

For those that want to deep dive into a full transformation of the body, and mind!


Zest Of Confidence

For those who have struggled to attain a positive self-image most of their lives. We will work together to give you the emotional and mental overhaul needed to find your unique Zest of Confidence and have it shine!


Private Consulting

Individual consulting sessions are for clients wanting profound transformation through tangible action steps with One-Time Confidence Consulting with Sophia. (90 minutes)